Saudi Meters Company

Integrated solutions in Water, Power
applications throughout


The first smart water application
manufacturer in the Gulf region

Founded in 1981 as the first smart water application manufacturer in the gulf region, producing mechanical water application types (Dry Multi-jet, Semi-Dry Multi-jet, Wet Multi-jet)., and serving KSA and GCC markets.

Total Clients
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Years of Experience
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Our Services

Empowering your projects with efficient and reliable solutions in the water, power applications

Water supply

Power supply

Energy and Resource Excellence for a Sustainable Future

Providing integrated smart solutions to water, power industries with over 40+ years of proven experience. Blending modern technology and the industry demands, we excel in providing exceptionally reliable smart solutions


Our Products

Our advanced smart application infrastructure is an integrated system of equipment, communications, and information management systems that empower utility companies by remotely collecting customer usage data in real-time

Our Services

You can find us in Shadowmar Drive , where we are committed to meeting your water and power needs.